PC I/O Devices
Analog and digital I/O modules and cards for PC, including internal I/O cards and external USB I/O modules
Analog I/O Cards
Analog input modules provide various sources of input, such as thermocouple, RTD, thermistor or general analog signals.
Digital I/O Cards
Digital input/output modules provide isolation and fault protection, which secure a stable operation.
USB Data Acquisition Modules
Rugged, industrial grade USB-based analog and digital I/O Modules, including low cost multifunction modules and high performance modules
Pico Analog Input modules
Pico low cost and high performance I/O modules that connect via USB or parallel port
Pico Oscilloscope/Logger modules for PC
Pico high performance I/O modules that provide Oscilloscope or Data Logger functionality through your PC
Data Translation DT9800 USB hi-performance I/O
Data Translation DT9800 series USB-2.0 high performance I/O modules, offering high speed and high resolution data acquisition with the convenience of USB
Dataq high performance I/O modules
Dataq innovative analog and digital I/O modules and data loggers, with serial / USB / Ethernet / Synchronous Ethernet connection