Handheld Measuring Instruments
Handheld instruments for measuring many parameters including pressure, velocity, moisture, electrical power, CO2, etc
Temperature and Humidity Instruments
A wide range of handheld Temperature and Humidity instruments, including Infra-Red temperature, Dewpoint, etc
CO2 Data Loggers
Instruments for measuring CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), including desktop and handheld meters
CO2 Gas instruments – Vaisala
Vaisala high quality handheld instruments for measuring CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)
Power-Mate: Plug-In Power Usage Meter
Power-Mate: A simple to use hand-held instrument for measuring and logging power usage of electrical equipment
Water Quality Instruments – Eutech
Eutech Instruments: Water quality instruments, for pH, conductivity, temp, redox etc – good quality modern instruments at competitive prices